Eltern |
Grosseltern |
Urgrosseltern |
Ur-Urgrosseltern |
Ruaview's Grady White |
Mach Westerlea's Midnight Sun UDX RN SH NAP NF |
Westerlea's Surprise Package |
Cedar Fog Midnight Seduxtion |
Sagewood's Hard Days Night |
Cedar Fog's Holiday SH |
Bernache's All That Jazz |
Foxgrove's Moonlight Gunner |
Harbourlight's Ala Gatter |
Harbourlights Nifty Duke |
Harbourlight's Tricky Nicky |
Foxgrove's Whirling Dervish WCX SH CDX |
Foxgrove's Red Tag Special WCX SH CD AGI MH |
Foxgrove's Circle of Life WCX SH |
Foxgrove's Mischief Maker WCX SH |
Decoymans Piper Hemsted |
Pinocchio of Redpine |
Bright Flower's Here I Am |
Atago the Spirit of Heyoka |
Berdia's Shylo So High |
Zoethehope of Great Pleasure |
Xorbonne of Great Pleasure |
Waycobah's Enda |
Rödrävens v.d. Echtiner Grift |
Ynuittotem of Great Pleasure |
Velvetlace of Great Pleasure |
Waycobah's Bagwaji |
Kare Riverduck of Flottatjärn |
Objibwa's DF Epinga-Mu |
Kanadickens Felicia |